Some text.

A collection of tweets generously prepared and shared by Julia Evans for her Twitter memes challenge. While looking through them, I was struck by just how vacuous they are, yet in the context of Twitter's pages and apps, they seem to form the illusion of something more. Okay, not a lot more, but enough to keep us tap-tap tapping.

So, here is a random selection in all their inane glory. They have been partially sanitised, but there are still some words and ideas that could offend, so it's probably safer to say:

Warning - may contain strong language!

An unrelated collection of tweets - around 500 million of these are sent each day.

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Floy Closs
I am not afraid..I was born to do this.
Kelsey Yeah
Always look on the bright side of life. –Monty Python
Georgiana Wendel
I put myself in the way of things happening, and they happened. -Theodore Roosevelt
John Bayne
Care about what other people think and you will always be their prisoner. -Lao Tzu
Larry Gassett
I don’t describe myself as a Christian or religious, but I like to think that how I live my life is honest.
Agatha Vlach
My life my rules love me or reject me, I don’t care.
Edward Grosland
It’s not about who hurt you, and broke you down, it’s about who was always there to make you smile.
Emiko Wallenda
No one is perfect that’s why pencils have erasers.
Rachele Holshovser
I may not be rich or popular, but look beyond that and see that I am a good person. Isn’t that all that matters?
Nelly Wiegert
Life is better when you’re smiling.
Mikaela Matonak
I am In Love With Myself, With My Heart.
Boris Fukada
Tell me what I can’t and I will show you I can.
Luetta Greenfeld
I’m a direct descendant from awesomeness.
Cris Saenger
Life is too short and pointless to waste it on hating other people.
Elvera Rauschenberg
I can’t help but notice that ‘awesome’ ends in ‘me.’
Gita Faigin
Judging a person does not define who they are. It defines who you are.
Polly Etkin
If time is money I am running out of time.
Clara Burger
If I had to describe my personality, I’d say good looking.
Cheyenne Brandal
Smile is nothing like “I’m just happy”
Maurice Maynor
I’m not perfect but I am limited edition.

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Some links and thoughts to fill this otherwise empty space. the dark ages, long before the TwitBooks. indieweb: a sort of D-Flip-Flop of HN. ledgerofharms: bunch of killjoys telling us how bad the web is. betterinternet: the cheery ages. kids@google: to be fair, Rumpelstiltskin & the Pied Piper were probably worse. Fear Of Missing Out: one reason to be hooked.

Search, browse, read, and share.

If you find yourself responding to something on Social Media, then pause, ask yourself "who am I talking to?". Then close the window and do something else.


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